a compile from source.
I have used strings and readelf -d to find out, what those remaining files are for.
- fonts/{SJGothicFull.ttf SJSans-Bold.ttf SJSans.ttf}
- media/audio/notifications/F1_New_Call.ogg - set in system/build.prop as ro.config.notification_sound
- sounds/lgeAT/Startup.wav the bootup sound (during Android logo)
- usr/keychars/eve_qwerty.kcm.bin binary map for Keycode to character?
- usr/keylayout/eve_qwerty.kl ASCII file for keymapping and which keys can wake up from keypad lock!
- both are used in libui, see source code at frameworks/base/libs/ui
- etc/omadm/omadmclient_v12.xml
- framework/com.android.syncml.shared.jar ?
- framework/com.google.android.gtalkservice.jar ?
- framework/com.google.android.maps.jar Google maps
- framework/lge-res.apk -> images for the "keypad unlock" and more..?
- xbin/btlifc ??? Something about RFCOM links against libbluetooth.so, no further reference in the rest of the image
- bin/akmd2 - software to process and adjust compass/accelerometer events
- bin/AT ??? opens /dev/smd0
- bin/{rft rft.sh} - RF test script - so maybe not needed at all
- bin/BCM4325D0_004.001.007.0168.0169.hcd: this is no executable and referenced by libbluedroid.so and libril-qc-1.so, maybe some firmware for the BCM4325 chip, which includes wifi, bluetooth and FM
- bin/brcm_chg_bd_addr: what is a BD address?
- bin/brcm_dutMode enable DUT (=test) mode for BCM4325 (?)
- bin/btld daemon for some bluetooth?
- bin/eta Something with "ATS agent", touchscreen testing maybe? reference to ro.build.hiddenmenu and /dev/graphics/fb0
- bin/lgesystemd references to Factory Reset...?
- diag_klog
- fsck_msdos
- hci_qcomm_init
- loc_api_app
- mm-adspsvc-test
- mm-jpeg-dec-test
- mm-jpeg-enc-test
- mm-qcamera-test
- mm-vdec-omxh264-test
- mm-vdec-omxmp4-test
- mm-venc-omx-test
- port-bridge
- qemu-props
- qmuxd
- set_grp_id
- su - standard unix util to get root
- test_diag
- modules/wireless.ko
- libhgl.so - qualcomm/ati opengl ES library
- libmmcamera.so - qcom camera driver (dlopend by libcamera.so)
- libmm-qcamera-tgt.so - qcom camera driver (dlopend by libcamera.so)
- libmmjpeg.so needed by libmmcamera.so
- hw/copybit.eve.so - hal driver for the screen/framebuffer
- hw/lights.eve.so - backlight and leds
- hw/lights.goldfish.so - same for emulator?
- libamcm.so
- libAMMediaFileSplitter.so
- libampostprocess.so
- libAMVideoDecoder.so
- libarcplatform.so
- libautohan_jni.so
- libbcmwl.so
- libcameraservice.so
- libcamera.so
- libcm.so
- libcommondefs.so
- libdiag.so
- libDioHWR.so
- libdsm.so
- libdss.so
- libfotajni.so
- libgps.so
- libgsdi_exp.so
- libgstk_exp.so
- libjbedvm.so
- liblgdrm.so
- liblgeat.so
- liblgerft.so
- libloc_api.so
- libmm-adspsvc.so
- libmmgsdilib.so
- libmm-omxcore.so main lib for codecs for decoding
- libmvs.so
- libnv.so
- liboem_rapi.so
- libOmxCore.so lib for codecs
- libOmxH264Dec.so codec
- libOmxMpeg4Dec.so codec
- libOmxVidEnc.so codec
- liboncrpc.so
- libpdapi.so
- libpdsm_atl.so
- libping_mdm.so
- libqmi.so
- libqueue.so
- libril_log.so
- libril-qc-1.so main lib for radio
- libsnd.so
- libspeech.so
- libuim.so
- libunishape.so
- libvdmengine.so - something with syncml and OMA DM
- libvdmfumo.so
- libwbxml_syncml_jni.so
- libwbxml_syncml.so
- libwmdrmpd.so
- libwms.so
- libwmsts.so
- libwnndict.so
- libWnnEngDic.so
- libWnnJpnDic.so
- libxt9_jni.so
(I have omitted the files under 3rd_party/ArcSoft/{Camera DivXReg MediaGallery MediaPlayer VideoEditor})
Cheer up!
ReplyDeleteI am not a computer engineer...but
I always support you in my heart!
It's unclear if you built the 1.5 or 1.6 android version..
ReplyDeleteI edited the post to clarify. It is the 1.5 version.
ReplyDeleteLG released Official android 1.6 firmware! In Korea.
its version is v10r(same as pre-released rom
. but its different!)